Tuesday, November 16, 2010

3 Days of Freedom!

I figured I would type up a quick post before heading to bed. Lately i've been cherishing my sleep and crashing earlier than normal, but the last few days work and other distracting things have kept me up pretty late.

Chris arrived in California this morning. I suspect his mother still doesn't know about the pregnancy, unless of course his brother told her or he finally owned up to it and told her himself. I don't think i'm quite prepared to explain to Chris my still contemplative decision to stay in North Carolina. I might want to wait just a little longer for him to get settled in and see how our relationship towards eachother is then. It would be such a different situation if we were just head-over-heels in love with eachother. But unfortunately, that's not the case so it makes everything a little more complicated.

I get to see the baby for the first time in eight days. I am just ecstatic about it. I have the bloodwork appointment the day before, which freaks me out a little bit since i'm terrified of getting my blood taken but i'll have to just suck it up for the sake of getting to see my little one the next day. My brother still doesn't know, as far as I know. Unless of course my mother has said something to him, but i'm pretty sure she hasn't since none of us have even seen him since before we went on the Maryland trip. My stepfather knows now, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. He hasn't said anything to me about it actually. And when confronted about it from my mother about him knowing via text message, he seemed to be laughing at how terrified I was about him finding out. I guess it's not as big of a deal as I thought it would be. Packing up and moving to Canada must not be the number one priority anymore.

I'm so hungry. I'm staying at my mother's tonight and there's nothing really to make here without making a lot of noise so i'm trying to stay away from the kitchen since it's right next to their open bedroom. I'm sure I could probably devour something the size of a cow right about now though. I'm going to eat a few snack crackers and take myself to bed. I've got to get up super early in the morning to run some errands with my mother to get myself a little more prepared for the rest of the pregnancy and beyond.

Gah, I miss Rojo. I'm sure he's probably curled up in my blankets at home right now wishing I was there to use me for my body heat. He's such a cutie. I'm off work for the next three days. Woohoo! Oh, but I also get to enjoy a nice long shift on black friday beginning at 4:45 in the freaking morning. FML.

Anyway, i'm off.

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