Thursday, November 18, 2010

Moving Forward.

Well, it looks like i'll be starting this blog out with a rumbling tummy. I ate dinner about two hours ago at a mexican restaurant right down the road from my mother's house and amazingly, i've somehow managed to go back in time. One thing's for sure: I can't wait to go home and exfoliate my face. I suddenly feel the typical monthly "period" break-out that I used to get coming on. How exciting, one more annoying thing to deal with right now. On the upside, only six more days before I get to see the baby for the first time! I am just ecstatic about the whole thing. I'll have to scan the picture(s) and post them as soon as I can.

I seem to be talking more and more about the pregnancy to my mom much more comfortably then before. I think this whole thing will actually be what brings us closer together. She seems to always guess what the grandchildren are going to be and it's always right. She guessed both of my sister's kids that came out as girls, and she guessed my brother's which came out as a girl aswell. And she said she has a gut feeling that mine is going to be a boy. Which is actually.. very funny because i've always said I wanted a boy. It's really going to be interesting to find out considering girls seem to run my entire family.

So, i've decided to cut my hair again. I've been growing it back out for months now, trying to get it back to what it was. But i've finally come to the conclusion that I just simply look a million times better with an angled dark brown bob that I can mess up and make it look good easily. Short hair just seems to fit me alot better than long hair. Plus it is much more manageable and easy to maintain, which could be good in this time in my life where I have hardly any energy or desire to put alot of work into getting ready. Therefor, I think i'm going to go ahead and color it back dark again and go get it snipped off pretty soon. I'm actually pretty excited about it because I feel like it might help me regain more confidence after feeling so miserable here lately.

I go back to work tomorrow after having a few days off. I can't figure out if i'm looking forward to it or not haha! The people I work with seem to be making the days go by alot smoother since they found out I was pregnant and i've found myself talking more to some coworkers than ever before. The only thing I do wish is that customers had more common sense than to put heavy items on the belt. My supervisor Stacey said that I really need to watch whenever people do it and tell them to please keep it in the cart so I can come around. Up until now, i've always lifted stuff perfectly fine. Big cases of water bottles, dog food, and sometimes massive boxes in carts that people perfectly capable of helping me out just stand there and watch as I struggle to flip it upside down to get to the barcode. After finding out that it's crucial especially in the first trimester not to do things like that, I guess i'm going to have to change those habits. I told Stacey my only thing is when I tell them to leave it in the cart or ask them to help me, I don't want them to look at me like i'm some weak person that can't hardly lift anything because i'm not. So she told me just to simply throw in the fact that i'm pregnant and they should be more understanding. Sometimes I wish I was showing more than I already am so I wouldn't HAVE to explain..

I keep wanting to post a baby calendar of how far along I am and when i'm due but I want to wait until the actual doctor examines me and determines an accurate estimation versus what other people have been guessing due to when I think my last period was. They've been guessing i'm probably about 10 weeks now and my due date is June 13th but i'd like to be pretty sure before I tell everybody one thing and find out it's another later on.

Ohh, I need fooood.. I'm getting off here and heading home. Rojo probably misses me after being gone the last couple days.

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