Friday, November 12, 2010

Sleep Deprivation.

It's almost 4:40 AM as I begin to type this, and my sleep schedule tonight has been anything but consistent. I've been waking up constantly either to readjust myself or pee. I went to my appointment yesterday to take a more accurate pregnancy test and behold, the same results I had obtained just eight days ago. So far I have scheduled my first three official doctor's appointments on the 23rd for bloodwork (ick), the 24th for an ultrasound, and December 9th for a routine check-up. I am beyond ecstatic. I can't even put into words how I feel right now because it is indescribable. The woman I saw today explained to me that judging by the information I gave her, she thinks I am probably about 9 weeks pregnant and her estimated due date for me is June 13th. June sounds like a great month to have a baby, and it's only one month before my birthday. She said it's probably about the size of a peanut right now. That's incredibly small to effect my body so hard already. I mean, my stomach's already gotten bigger! On the upside, my nauseous feeling and dizzy spells rarely cause me to have morning sickness. Hopefully it stays that way. But I definitely seem to be screwing up my words alot lately, especially with typing. Two words become one and I suddenly feel like a moron. And I suppose I haven't really experienced much of the "emotional" dramatic changes of getting upset easily. My mother reassured me that having a fits of crying over the simplest things in life will definitely start occuring more often. Super. But I definitely feel like a slob. I mean really, i've never been more clumsy and currently my only purpose in life is to eat, sleep, and pee. Living the easy life of a dog never sounded so unappealing. I want to start baby shopping now! I suppose that's normal?

Chris is coming to see me tomorrow before he drives off to Cali for the next month to a few months without me. It's going to be hard, but we will definitely stay close in contact. And if all goes well, I will be taking a flight out there for us to move in together to start this little family. My oldest niece, Faith told me yesterday she was excited and hoped it was a girl. I asked her if it's a boy, will she love it the same? She said "yep." On one hand, i'd really like to have a boy because we have so many girls in the family that I have yet to actually watch a boy in our family be raised; aside from my brother who is only 4 years older than me. But at the same time, it would be really nice to experience having a baby girl. However, I will be extremely happy no matter what the gender is. It will just help me narrow down the names. :]

So far, i've already been thinking about some. For a girl I was thinking of the names Kayleigh, Hazel, Candace, Autumn, Annaliese and Emery. As far as a boy, Brayden and Levi. I just can't wait to see my baby and astound the world with this amazing life. I'm definitely interested to see the permanent color of his/her eyes considering dark blue rims around the pupil run in my family and icey blue eyes seem to also be abundant in his. One thing's for sure: it's going to be beautiful.

Egh, leaning over without my glasses on is beginning to make me feel a little woozy so I better take this to the bathroom and pick up something to munch on on the way back to the bedroom. My stomach is growling already. More updates coming soon. I'd like to start typing in this thing more often. Sunday will be my first day back to work after the family vacation to tell everybody about my new discovery: a baby in my stomach! ;]


Edit: I almost forgot to post a recent picture! This probably doesn't look like much to you since i'm very small anyway, but I can already see a difference in the size of my stomach. Perhaps this means i'll get as big as a house? We'll have to see. Anyway, off to bed I go.

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