Friday, November 5, 2010


Yesterday, November fourth changed my life forever. I had an extremely early work shift beginning at 7 AM, not scheduled to get off until 3 PM. My first break was around 9 and after experiencing an odd week and a half of feeling like I was coming down with something, I decided to quit ignoring my mother and best friend's comments about possibly being pregnant. I bought a pregnancy test on my 15 minute break that morning because the thought kept driving me insane. So I did it, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Two lines side by side, left one slightly lighter than the other. A million things started rushing through my head while all I could say was a million four letter words. I'm sure everyone outside of the one-room bathroom was wondering what the hell was wrong with me. In my mind the entire rest of the day of work, all I could think was how long has this been going on? What am I going to tell people? I was fighting back tears and racing to the restroom every few hours in fear I was about to get sick the rest of the day. I confronted my mother on my one hour lunch and things are.. better. Today, it was the same exact work schedule. I didn't seem to be as frantic and sick as yesterday, but it probably also helped that I wasn't as stressed out as then either.

Tomorrow I am going on a planned family vacation to Maryland with my family for five days. When I return, i'm going to see a gynecologist with my mother to consult someone about what's going on. I still have some explaining to do to other people. I'm more scared about talking and sharing than living the rest of my life with this baby that's currently growing inside of me. I've never been more excited for anything in my entire life. After all, this is what i've always wanted. It just happened at the complete wrong time. But i'm going to suck it up and i'm going to do what I have to do. I refuse to let anyone's negative comments impact my life. So far the only thing that seems to be disagreeing with everything is perfumes and hot meats. But my god; fruit, salads and crackers has never been so good.

More posts to come of the vacation, photos, and updated information of my pregnancy.

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