Friday, December 17, 2010


I'm on my hour lunch break from work today. I am extremely pissed off, as usual. Not only did I get an attitude from this angry woman this morning because she wanted me to open up HER gift card that was still packaged to pay for her things, but also Burger King's cups are the worst fucking cups i've ever used in my life. This woman hands me this visa gift card when it comes to paying for her whole order, and it's still wrapped up & packaged in what it came in. I questioned her and she said that her daughter gave it to her and she wanted to pay with it. She said she didn't know how to get it open. Alright.. i'm going to pretend like it's my job to stop in the middle of a line of customers to tear out YOUR card to pay for your items. I walked several isles down before I finally found some scissors and tried to cut it out, but the packaging it was in wouldn't separate. I came back and told the woman "i'm sorry but, it's not my job to get this open for you and if I accidentally cut your card trying to get to it, I would be held responsible and I don't want to be." She got mad and snappy and said "Fine, my daughter won't be happy about it but i'll just pay with cash. You guys shouldn't sell those if you can't use them." I was heated by this point. I said "I hope you're not mad at me because that didn't even come from our store and it's not my job to open them up for you so that you can pay with it." Not one response after that. Whatever lady, get a clue and get your shit together.

After I went on lunch, I was starving so I dropped by Burger King on the way to my mom's house where I am now. I ordered an iced coffee because i've been doing really well keeping no caffeine in my system so I decided it would be okay just this one time. As usual, it never fails. Every fucking time I used to get an iced coffee from there, the piece of shit cups they use always spill. If you tip it just the slightest bit to wear the coffee meets the brim of the cup even with the lid on it, you're going to be wearing your drink. I was so fucking mad. The woman said "What's wrong, you don't like it?" I said "No. Your cups suck! I'm wearing my drink now, all over my work clothes." She just stared at me and said she was sorry. Meanwhile i'm holding my drink with coffee all over my fucking clothes, OBVIOUSLY needing some goddamn assistance. I'm like "can I get some napkins!?" She said "oh, absolutely!" I swear. I don't understand what is wrong with the world these days.

I'd like to burn down Walmart, Burger King, and any other piece of shit corporation that only cares about taking your money. And all the customers think about is making you feel like shit the rest of your miserable shift.

Today is not a good day.

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