Saturday, December 4, 2010

I seem to be getting more & more distant from blogging as of lately. I just haven't really had much happen since the last time I posted. Aside from finally registering in my brain that Chris doesn't deserve any excuses anymore as to why he acts the way he does, nothing really has changed. I've still been working almost daily, and on the days i'm off I generally still have to get up and do something productive. On the upside, I rarely get motion-sickness anymore unless i'm starving or I get up extremely early in the morning. I'm still making more frequent trips to the bathroom to pee excessively. However, within the past week I seem to be starting a pattern: headaches everytime I wake up in the morning. Sometimes they eventually fade away, but other times I have to take something before it stops hurting. I woke up at 10:30 AM this morning and my head hasn't stopped hurting yet. So i'm about to take some tylenol. Yipee.

It's snowing outside as I type this. The first snow of the season, so you can imagine everyone's enthusiasm about it. I personally, could care less. I don't really like the snow. It's pretty to look at, but it's just another excuse for people to drive as slow as molasses on the roads. And since I hate the cold so much, I have no desire to go outside and play in it. I think I lost that many years ago.

Within the past week, I have joined a popular mother website called baby-gaga. I really like it. It's nice to talk on the forums about different topics and meet other women like yourself. Unfortunately you still have to be careful though because even with age, women never stop being dramatic.

Oh! I bought some chewy prenatal vitamins yesterday since I can't swallow the big pills most women take and surprisingly, they taste good too! I'm much more enthused about taking them now. Ugh, i'm going to get off here now. I need to take these pills for my head and go get Rojo some dog food before I goto work at four. I'm not enthused about that..

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